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/ Services / Succession Planning

Succession Planning

No one wants to work forever. The business that you have built over many years is an integral part of your retirement planning. But how do we get the value out of it so you can stop working? Do you want to sell it? Pass it on to a family member? Shut it down and walk away?

How you treat your exit from the business can have far reaching implications and can lead inadvertently to issues such as Capital Gains tax liabilities, superannuation contribution breaches and family political dilemmas.

A consultation with Weber Business Accountants can help to address these issues before the event. A succession plan for your business may take years of planning to execute correctly and obtain maximum benefits, with structural issues and timing of sales or transfers being fine tuned to allow for the best outcome. Starting early is the secret to success when planning, and will help you get out of the business what you have undoubtedly been putting in.

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Weber Financial Planning is proud to provide education and alternate options for your personal finances, which allows you to make informed decisions, take control and achieve your financial peace of mind now and in the future.